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What we Believe

At ABC, we believe that…

● God is the creator and sustainer of the world as revealed in the creation accounts in the Bible. Because of this, God deserves our worship and praise.
● God has revealed Himself in three distinct but equal persons; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
● every human being is uniquely created in God’s image and is precious and valuable in God’s sight.
● the Bible is the only firm reference point we have to learn about Jesus Christ. The text of the Bible (in its original form) was inspired by God and is the highest authority on all matters relating to faith and conduct.
● every feature of the world is currently in a fallen (or corrupted) condition due to our rebellion. As a result, we are all alienated and distanced from our loving Father in heaven, and in need of a Saviour.
● Jesus was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life and His miracles and teachings demonstrated that He was the Son of God.
● Jesus is the only person in history to be raised from the dead, never to die again. After His death and resurrection, He ascended into heaven where he now resides with The Father.
● salvation is available to everyone who calls on the name of Jesus in repentance and faith. His sacrificial death paid the price for our wrongdoing, and His bodily resurrection demonstrated that the price had been accepted by His Father in heaven.
● although we are saved by faith alone, we show evidence of this by striving to live a life that is pleasing and obedient to God.
● the Holy Spirit lives within each believer and directs us to glorify Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides and equips us as we journey through life and imparts gifts (or talents) to be used for God’s purpose.
● when we die, we will all appear before the Lord resulting in one of two outcomes: either to receive eternal salvation in heaven (for those who accept Jesus’ offer of forgiveness), or eternal punishment in hell (for those who reject the offer of salvation).
● the primary role of the church is to lovingly and humbly share the good news of Jesus Christ with non-believers through word and action.

At ABC, we…

● seek to carry out our mission to ‘know Jesus and make Him known’.
● take the Bible seriously, which means that preaching and teaching are a high priority. This plays a crucial role in equipping others to share about Jesus.
● believe that Jesus could return at any time - this is a great motivation for prayer, holy living and evangelism.
● hold to believer’s baptism (as opposed to infant baptism) which should be practised by full immersion where possible.
● meet weekly for Church services and regularly share Communion (The Lord’s Supper) which comprises bread and juice. These elements act as symbols that represent Jesus’ body and blood as we recall and celebrate Jesus’ accomplishment at the cross.
● are a congregational church. This means that although we are affiliated to the Baptist Union, we are self-governing and every church member is encouraged to play an active role in church life.

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